1934 | Brenner, Hermann & Deutschmann, Werner
Newtonstraße 18, Berlin Adlershof

The Aerodynamic Park in Adlershof, Berlin, stands as a testament to the rich history of aviation research, featuring buildings from the mid-1930s originally constructed by the German Research Institute for Aviation (DVL). Among these, the Great Wind Tunnel and the Trudel Wind Tunnel remain today, while smaller wind tunnels previously part of the site have been demolished.

Designed by engineers Brenner, Hermann, and Deutschmann, Werner, and built between 1932 and 1934 by Dyckerhoff and Widmann & Beton- und Monierbau AG, the Great Wind Tunnel is a cylindrical reinforced concrete structure measuring 120 meters in length and 12 meters in diameter. It was used until the end of World War II for simulating and studying the aerodynamics of aircraft parts to optimize aircraft shape and surface.

Today, this technical monument is open to the public for tours and events such as the Long Night of Sciences. It also serves as a popular location for film, television, and dance productions, allowing visitors to explore a piece of aviation history.

Sources: https://www.adlershof.de/immobilien/bauprojekte/architektur
Photos: Eric Bauermeister